I know you’re tired of hearing this, but please VOTE!
Now I’m ecstatic to say, that as voting has begun here in New York State, I have seen so many friends and family taking advantage of the early voting process over the past two days. Bravo, hand clap, standing ovation to you all. And I, myself, am making it a point to do my early voting today in the rain, with Animal Crossing to keep me company while I wait. Because frankly, if you can plan a day around seeing a certain movie, or going on a mediocre date With someone you honestly have no interest in or just the everyday trivial shit we make time for, surely you can plan your day around voting. Now I’m not writing this for Trump supporters. Because I am not a Trump supporter. It’s not my job to convince you not to vote for someone who you want to vote for. And frankly it’s not my job to convince you to vote for Joe Biden, even though I am voting for Joe Biden. If you’ve already have your mind made up about some thing it’s not my job to change it nor is it anyone else’s. That is completely up to you. Who I am talking to is for folks who don’t realize how serious voting is. I’m talking to the selfish people who don’t comprehend the sacrifices that were made for them through multiple ethnic groups, races, periods of degradation and trials and tribulations to get to this point. The self absorbed, entitled and frankly arrogant folks who don’t see how important a vote is. It’s you I’m talking to. And again it’s not my job to convince you to change your mind. If you’d rather stay in your self diluted idea of grandeur that “my one vote doesn’t count” or that “my vote doesn’t mean anything” or “it’s rigged anyway”, please keep that energy to yourself. But for those of you who are still on the fence trying to understand exactly why this voting process and this election is so important this is my plea to you. I know you see what is going on in our country and frankly the world. I know that you are hurting just like the rest of us are. I know that you are trying to make sense of all the dysfunction and all the hatred and all the chaos and questioning why. I am here to say that as cliché as it sounds it starts with you, change starts with you. for every action there is a reaction. If you don’t vote there is a reaction, and if you do vote there is a reaction. be on the side of doing, not sitting back and waiting to see what happens.
That’s it folks, that’s my voting spiel. Again I know we’re all tired of it and we can’t wait until this election is over, but do your part and get out and vote whether it’s an absentee ballot, early voting or going November 3 to the polls. Get out and vote especially for the ones Who can’t do it yet. Their future and all of ours depends on it.
For more information please visit vote.org
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