My decision to use the hybrid method this school year came down to one factor...leadership


To say that the year 2020 has been a roller coaster thus far would be a complete understatement. A more accurate description would be something like “the year 2020 has been a foul smelling dumpster fire that occasionally shoots off fireworks, often towards the onlookers.” Between a global pandemic, uncertain racial issues in America, police brutality, MAGA fanatics, murder hornets, wildfires, economy collapse and rampant death, this year has flipped everything upside. And one of the biggest concerns was school and what learning would look like for not only students, but teachers as well. After doing my research, debating back-and-forth, praying and talking through things with so many of my closest companions, I decided hybrid learning was the best for Masaya and Yui.

I didn’t make this decision in haste. In fact I stewed over this for a couple of months. Mainly because of Masaya. You see, I have been planning his entry into one of the top schools in the country since he was two years old. And in fact he was excepted to city honors for this coming school year. I didn’t make this decision in haste. In fact I stood over this for a couple of months. Mainly because of Masaya. You see, I have been planning his entry into one of the top schools in the country since he was two years old. And in fact he was excepted to City Honors Middle School for this coming school year. Oh my planning over the past eight years had finally manifested. Because once he was in the school I knew he would be there from middle school until high school and up until graduation. But then the pandemic happened. School was now online exclusively, and everyone was uncertain what would happen in the fall. Initially, I stuck to my guns and said no he had gotten in and this is what he was going to do. but I had to take a step back. Even though he had worked so hard for his entire elementary school career, something didn’t feel right. I didn’t feel confident not only sending him to a whole new school. but I wasn’t sure exactly how schooling would be done because the traditional method was now out the window. My son is a smart kid and he’s very well and adapting to any kind of situation. It wasn’t that I was concerned about him. It was me more than anything. I didn’t feel confident because I wasn’t informed on anything that was going on within the district. So I sat back, and I prayed, and I sat in stillness waiting for an answer to come. And it came in the form of remembering where he had come from.

My son has been at the same school since kindergarten. And from the moment he stepped through those doors I have never once doubted the leadership of that facility. West Buffalo Charter School has always been a bright light here in Buffalo New York. I could wax poetic about why I love the school so much but that’s not really what I wanna focus on. I want to focus on the fact that they were the right choice for this current time for both of my children. and I say that because when everything was shut down in March, Their school had a plan and was ready to execute that plan immediately. The governor close the schools on Friday, the kids picked up their chrome books on Monday, and everyone was back online in school that Tuesday. it was this clear and concise leadership that made the choice easy for me. Not only did they have answers but they follow through with what they said they were going to do. And if they didn’t have an answer they make sure they would find the parents and the students one. no I’m not seeing the school that’s perfect, because no school is but given the opportunity to stay or go I chose to stay. And it all came down to clear and consistent leadership.

And I feel the whole country could learn something from this. Because really what we need is leadership. It’s not about perfection because perfection doesn’t exist, what it is about is communication, following through with what you say you’re going to do, and being there in the good times and the bad. Having accountability and also being humble and open to listening to when constructive criticism as needed. Just a couple hours ago I dropped my kids off for what is the first day of the 20-21 school year. It was definitely hectic to say the least but I’m more than confident that they will get things up and running smoothly in no time. Because at the end of the day I trust their school. I trust the administrators to do with their supposed to do I trust the teachers to create a safe and loving environment even with all the modifications that have to take place. And I trust the kids to know their expectations and what is expected of them once they enter that building. It was definitely hectic to say the least but I’m more than confident that they will get things up and running smoothly in no time. Because at the end of the day I trust their school. I trust the administrators to do what they’re supposed to do I trust the teachers to create a safe and loving environment even with all the modifications that have to take place. And I trust the kids to know their expectations and what is expected of them once they enter that building. Because in order for this to work, we all have to be in this together. The students, the parents, the teachers, the administrators, the staff. In order for us to win we have to work together. And if history serves as it has done for the school we will win.

To learn more about West Buffalo Charter School please visit


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