New Year, Same Skin

Fresh faced and ready for the world.
Happy 2019 my friends! With the start of a new year, come new beginnings. Goals are set, intentions are made and the hope of brighter future is something we all can wish for. At the end of last year, I took the time to not only reflect on the things I hoped for in the coming year, but also the things I accomplished and how I could continue with that. As minor as the accomplish sounds, I have been blessed with great skin and I am grateful for it. Now I have to give the majority of credit for this to genetics. Sorry folks, it is undeniable, but genes plays the biggest part in this. But, as my mother has always told me (I'm blessed that my mother is also an esthetician), "it's all about maintence". So aside from my God given gift, here is my tride and true steps for the flawless complexion, we all strive for.


Yes, I know, you've heard this a million times, but water is the best medicine for your skin. Staying hydrated is a priority. Now I can honestly say that I don't drink as much water as I should. In fact, those 8 glasses are more like 3 or 4 on average. But, I make sure its the first thing I drink in the morning and the last thing I drink at night and I'm talking a full glass, not a sip or two. However, when I am on my water game, I do find that adding lemons, grapefruit, basil or mint makes it go down a lot faster. Oh, and my own little trick for consuming more water...drink it from a straw. I have no idea if this has been scientifically proven, but I find that I when I drink my water with a straw, I hate my goal every single time.


This one is a big one. Again, I've been blessed to have a skin professional in my life, so I've known my skin type since I was about 17 years old. But well into my thirties, I find that so many of my peers have no idea what their actual skin type is. Dry, oily, normal, combination, it can be over whelming for a lot of folks, but this is a necessity. If you don't know exactly where to start, the easiest thing is to head to the mall and have a skin care associate take a look. If you're looking for answers, book  a facial appointment. Because 9/10 times, if you don't know exactly what your skin type is, more then likely, you're using the wrong product. Which brings me to our next step.


Consistency is key folks. I've had the same skin routine for the past 18 years, with just a few modifications. Daily cleanser; day and night, toner, serum, exfoliate twice a week and moisturizer, moisturizer, moisturizer. That's it! I do not deviate from the plan folks. Sure, I've had those wild nights where I slept in my makeup and woke up the next day looking like hell, but I consistently have the same routine every single day. Which brings me to my next point. Find a skin care line that works for you and stick with it! And don't believe the hype on the super duper expensive skin care lines. Very few of them live up to the hype and if you're not following the first two steps of staying hydrated and knowing your skin time, I promise you, you are wasting your money.

That's it my friends, three simple steps to great skin. Of course facials and face masks are great and in some cases needed, but taking care of your body, knowing what it needs and being consistent are the foundations of that inner glow. Believe me because this cover girl is speaking from experience.


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